European Union urged to stop pumping public money into fossil fuels.
European Union urged to stop pumping public money into fossil fuels
European Parliament should vote against 2.5
billion of recovery plan
Brussels, 5 May, 2009 – Billions of Euros of taxpayers’ money is being pumped
into the fossil fuel industry, shows new research released today by Friends of
the Earth Europe which is calling for all public subsidies to oil and gas
companies to be stopped.
Six billion Euros of public money has been given to fossil fuel companies over
the last five years [1] the report shows, and the European Parliament will
tomorrow (Wednesday May 6) vote on plans to hand over another 2.5 billion Euros
as part of Europe’s economic recovery plan [2]. As the Parliament adopted a
resolution in November 2007 to stop all public funding for fossil fuel projects
[3], these funds should instead be used for the development of renewable energy
sources says Friends of the Earth.
Friends of the Earth Europe's extractive industries campaigner Darek
Urbaniak said: “It is hugely hypocritical for the European Union
to claim it is tackling climate change and at the same time be handing over
public funds to fossil fuel companies which are causing the problem. The fossil
fuel industry is now asking for more taxpayers’ money on top of the billions it
has already received. In a time of economic downturn it is ludicrous that one
of the richest industrial sectors can receive public money to allow it to go on
If approved by MEPs in one of the last votes before Europe-wide elections in
June, proposals to subsidise Europe’s energy sector would see more public money
given to oil and gas companies, primarily for gas projects and carbon capture
and storage (CCS). This unproven technology, which aims to capture carbon
dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels and dump it underground has yet to
prove viable for addressing rising emissions and diverts resources from the
development of renewable energy.
Friends of the Earth International corporate campaigner Paul De Clerck
said: “Oil and gas companies should not receive taxpayers’ money to use for
unproven technology such as CCS while they continue to make billions of Euros
of profits each year and invest their own capital in dirty projects like oil
sands that produce three times more emissions than conventional oil [4]. These
projects will not stimulate growth in the economy and are not the solutions we
need to the climate crisis or the economic crisis.”
For more information, please contact:
Darek Urbaniak, Extractives Industry Campaign Coordinator, Friends of the Earth
Tel: +32 2 401 4804 or +32 495 460 258 (Belgian mobile),
Paul de Clerck, Corporates Campaigner for Friends of the Earth International:
Tel: +32 494 38 09 59 (Belgian mobile), paul[at]milieudefensie.nl
[1] Friends of the Earth Europe’s report ’Public money for fossil fuels in the
EU and in three EU member states‘ is available at: http://www.foeeurope.org/corporates/Extractives/Publicmoneyforfossilfuels_May09.pdf
[2] Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council
establishing a programme to aid economic recovery by granting Community
financial assistance to projects in the field of energy
See: http://www.foeeurope.org/corporates/Extractives/energyproposal_May09.doc
[3] European Parliament resolution of 29 November 2007 on trade and climate
change (2007/2003(INI)): http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?type=TA&reference=P6-TA-2007-0576&language=EN&ring=A6-2007-0409
[4] Pembina Institute Canada, ’Oil Sands Fever’: http://www.oilsandswatch.org/pub/203
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