50 days of action to reCAPture agriculture
50 days of action for fairer and more sustainable
agriculture in Europe, organised by Young Friends of the Earth Europe, ended
Nearly 30 actions, in seven different countries - Cyprus, Croatia, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands and Austria – took place as part of the reCAP
campaign which is targeting reforms of the EU Common Agricultural Policy.
This autumn, key decisions are going to be made on the
EU's Common Agricultural Policy. This affects each and everyone of us, not just
in the EU but the world over. The policies being agreed will be legislation for
the next seven years, but will have impacts that last for generations.
In Madrid held Friends of the Earth Madrid, with the Urban
Garden Network, held a 'Guerrilla de Semillas' (Guerrilla Seed) event to fight
against concrete and pollution in the city. The 'guerrilleros' made seed bombs
using their hands, clay, compost, water and local seeds, which they threw so
that the seeds take root in urban land around the city. They also held a
workshop where they talked about seed saving and the importance of seed variety
and biodiversity.
Young Friends of the Earth Austria organised a picnic
lunch in Vienna. Everyone who came along brought with them one thing to eat,
but without packaging so that there was no waste left from the picnic.
Consumption without waste! Young Friends of the Earth Austria is planning its
own vegetable next year to send the message 'Youth is willing to work for a
greener, organic future!'.
Young Friends of the Earth Netherlands (JMA) had an
information stall and gave a workshop on sustainable cooking at the
Changemakers festival in Heino.
With recap, Young Friends of the Earth Europe is demanding
Reforms to the CAP are made, that deliver much fairer and more
sustainable food and farming systems.
Subsidies to industrial and intensive farming practices are
stopped, and instead support is given to small scale and sustainable family
As the EU's decision-making on the reform of the 'Common
Agriculture Policy' continues into 2013, Young Friends of the Earth Europe will
be there, using pictures and actions and messages to shout for transformation
of the food and agriculture system.
Check out all the photos over the course of the campaign
so far at the online gallery:http://www.flickr.com/photos/youngfoee_recap